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一種無油、深層保濕配方,含有多種類型的純透明質酸鈉 (SH) 和關鍵成分,有助於促進光滑、柔軟和柔軟的皮膚,並最大限度地減少細紋和皺紋的出現。
非粉刺性 • 經皮膚科醫生測試 • 不含色素添加劑和香料 • 未在動物身上進行測試。
Receive a Free ($82 Value) Neocutis HYALIS+ Intensive Hydrating Serum (0.5 fl oz) * when you spend $249 or more on Neocutis products. Complimentary gift will be awarded at the cart. Offer valid limited time only, while supplies last.